Toggle navigation Load unfinished survey Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. default WELCOME TO THE PERFORMX CULTURE ASSESSMENT DEMO This Demo survey provides the opportunity to experience the PerformX Culture Assessment as an employee would, and access an example assessment report. You’ll also receive an email containing the demo reports from us on completion of the survey. The purpose of this assessment is to understand the work practices and behaviours that are typically experienced in your organisation. We encourage you not only to think about your own personal experience, but also what you see happening in your business unit/function and in the organisation more broadly. If you are unsure which answer is most accurate, take your best guess based on your own experiences. You will be presented with examples of immature (left) and mature (right) cultural practices as they relate to particular topics. Please indicate how mature you perceive your organisation typically to be operating, in reference to these examples. An example question is shown here: In this example question, respondents are invit ed to assess the maturity of their organisational practices relevant to 'Strategy'. Your responses will remain anonymous, and your data will be used to inform an overall organisational culture profile, or sub-profiles where more than 5 responses are available to be aggregated. This survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. If you need to leave before completing the full survey your progress will be marked, and you will be able to continue from where you left off when you return, using the link in your email invite. If you have any questions, please email Please click "Get Started" to acknowledge that you agree to the use of your input as described above. Next Load unfinished survey 0% ×